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[E] lewisjeff999
[E] lewisjeff999
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Am i un-banned? if so i go straight to you to give you the items to pay you back.
over 13 years ago
I was looking round towns I just came across a chest that said donations so I thought It was for the public, because it said donation... So then I took it realising I was doing anything wrong... If you ask me to I will pay him back in double
over 13 years ago
Username: lewisjeff999 When you were banned : (Date.) 3/3/2012 Person who banned you: I dont know Reason you were banned: Stealing from someone's chest. Please I beg of you I will Repay back everything I stole from them. Whatever it was. I'm so sorry, I love MineTown server it's the best one I've ever played. The mods are brilliant. at-least if I get UN-banned I know Someone Will Find my Stuff. PLEASE IM REALLY SORRY
over 13 years ago